Powering Microfinance for Informal Sector Businesses
Enabling in-depth tracking
Dedicated Lending
Direct Payments


Financial Institutions


Tailored to work with informal sector businesses
Real-Time Monitoring
Increase Credit Data
Financial Inclusion
Works on All Phones
SMS or App
Track any finance flow
Subsidies, grants, or loans
Secured by blockchain
Through this token loan I was able to get a loan and pay the vendor staying at home. There is less risk involved in terms of finance as it is all secured in digitally so I see a big advantage here. I would also like to suggest to other women sisters, you can easily get a loan from home."

Ms. Ganga Mai Ghimire
Micro-entrepreneur (agriculture)
Mr. Gautam Lama
Former Manager Lending ProductsOur organization will be obsolete if the organization doesn’t move together with tech. More reports are filed for delayed payment of loans. This tech makes proper utilization of loans on time. If the loan is disbursed as a token, then it will be strong and the loan will be properly utilized."

Sumitra Manandhar Gurung (CEO)
Mahila Sahayatra MicrofinanceWith the help of the safa tempo driving training loans program of Aloi Pvt Ltd. I am now a safa tempo driver. We got in digital token, which we got in mobile SMS. We paid our trainer in digital tokens for their service. now i am able to repay my loans and support my family from my income."

Ms. Kamala Rana
Micro-entrepreneur (electric small buses)Our Supporters