

Kathmandu, Nepal


Tag: women empowerment

BijuliPower (Electric-Vehicle)Women Entrepreneurship

विद्युतीय दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारी साधनद्वारा महिला सशक्तिकरण कार्यक्रम

Aloi ले यस कार्यक्रममा दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारीमा महिलाहरुलाई सशक्त बनाउने उद्देश्य राखेको छ। यसमा महिला सहभागीहरुलाई आवश्यक सीप र रोजगारीको अवसरहरू प्रदान गर्नका साथै सहुलियत ब्याजदरमा SAJILO  कर्जा उपलब्ध गराउँछौं। कार्यक्रमका विवरण र मापदण्डहरू निम्न छन्। यदि तपाईलाई हाम्रो कार्यक्रम बुझ्नमा कुनै समस्या भएमा, कृपया हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला: +९७७ ९७०४५५४२१६ 

महिला सवारी कार्यक्रममा को-को सहभागी हुन सक्छन्?

  • रोजगारीमा जान चाहने तर सवारी चलाउन नजान्ने वा पूँजीको पहुँच नभएका महिला
  • NGO जस्ता संग्स्था मा आबद्ध भएका महिला
  • यातायात जस्ता क्षेत्रमा व्यवसाय सुरु गर्न इच्छुक महिला, जहाँ सवारी चलाउने सीप र पूँजी आवश्यक हुन्छ
  • पढाई र तालिममा संलग्न महिलाहरू
  • मार्केटिङ र सेल्स जस्तामा करियर अघि बढाउन चाहने महिला

कार्यक्रम तीन चरणमा विभाजित छ:

पहिलो चरण: तालिम कर्जा

पहिलो चरणमा, हामी इच्छुक महिलाहरुलाई उहाहारूको ड्राइभिङ तालिम, लाइसेन्सको खर्च, र ट्रायल खर्चका लागि कर्जा प्रदान गर्न वित्तीय संस्थाहरूसँग जोड्नेछौं।

पहिलो दुई महिना अनुग्रह अवधि हुनेछ, जहाँ ऋणीले ब्याजको रकम मात्र भुक्तानी गर्नुपर्नेछ। पूर्ण कर्जाको भुक्तानी भने रोजगार सुरु गरेको दुई महिना पछि सुरु हुनेछ। कर्जाको भुक्तानी अवधि १ वर्षको लागि मान्य हुनेछ, र उनीहरूको सुविधाअनुसार दैनिक, साप्ताहिक वा मासिक आधारमा भुक्तानी गर्न सकिन्छ।

पहिलो चरणको तालिममा यी कुराहरू समावेश छन :

  • लिखित र ट्रायल परीक्षाको तयारी
  • गियर, र ट्राफिक नियम सम्बन्धी तालिम
  • सवारी साधनको मर्मत सम्बन्धी तालिम
  • सडकमा तालिम
  • ट्रायल परीक्षाहरू बीच सवारी तालिम
  • ज्ञान परीक्षण

दोस्रो चरण: भाडामा लिने र रोजगार

तालिम प्राप्त महिलाले लाइसेन्स पाएपछि, सहभागीहरूले Aloi वा हाम्रा पार्टनर कम्पनी हरु जस्तै (Niu, Segway, Komaki, Yadea, Super Soco, Ryan Energy आदि) बाट इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर भाडामा लिन सक्छन्। उनीहरूले हाम्रा पार्टनर लजिस्टिक्स कम्पनीहरू (Foodmandu, BhojDeals, Upaya, Pick N Drop, Khaanpin, आदि) मा स्थिर तलबमा काम गर्न सक्नेछन्, र अतिरिक्त आम्दानीका लागि राइड-शेयरिङ पनि गर्न सक्नेछन्। यस चरणमा, हामी महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै स्कूटर किन्नको लागि डाउन पेमेण्ट बचत गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्छौं। हामी आत्मनिर्भर महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै स्थिर आम्दानीसहित देख्न चाहन्छौं।

तेस्रो चरण: इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी (EV) कर्जामा पहुँच

डाउन पेमेंट बचत गरेपछि, Aloi सहभागीहरुलाई बैंकहरूबाट इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर खरीद गर्न कर्जा प्राप्त गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ। Aloi ले सहभागीहरुलाई इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी साधनहरूमा ठूलो प्रावधान दिनेछ

महिला सवारी तालिम कार्यक्रमबाट के अपेक्षा गर्न सकिन्छ?

  • इलेक्ट्रिक दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारीको लागि सवारी तालिम प्राप्त गर्ने महिलाहरूलाई यी सवारी साधनहरू सञ्चालन गर्न आवश्यक सीप प्राप्त हुनेछ, जसले उनीहरूको सवारी स्वतन्त्रता बढाउनेछ।
  • कर्जा सुविधामा पहुँचले महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर किन्न सक्षम बनाउनेछ, जसले उनीहरूलाई आवतजावत गर्न र आम्दानी गर्न सहयोग गर्नेछ, र आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण प्राप्त गर्नेछ।
  • इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटरको प्रवर्द्धनले कार्बन उत्सर्जन र वायु प्रदूषण घटाउनेछ, जसले दिगो यातायात प्रणालीलाई सहयोग गर्नेछ।
  • लजिस्टिक्समा महिला सहभागिताको वृद्धि हुनु भनेको महिलाले यस क्षेत्रमा पनि उत्कृष्ट गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्नु हो, साथै इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी साधनको स्वीकृतिलाई प्रवर्द्धन गरेर, लजिस्टिक्स कम्पनीहरूलाई लागत घटाउन र स्वस्थ वातावरणलाई समर्थन गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ।

थप जानकारीको लागि, कृपया संपर्क गर्नुहोस्: सुरभि मिश्रा ( या +९७७ ९७०४५५४२१६/ +९७७ ९८१८०५०६६२

Awardee / AchievementWomen Entrepreneurship

NewBiz Business Women Awards 2024

On Friday, New Business Age Pvt. Ltd. organized the fourth edition of ewBiz Business Women Summit and Awards 2024 in Kathmandu. This event aims to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women entrepreneurs.

With the slogan “Empowering Business Leadership of Nepali Women,” this year’s summit focused on “Strengthening Women’s Business Leadership.”

The event honored 12 outstanding women for their entrepreneurial contributions and societal impact. From which Sonika Manandhar, Co-founder of Aloi won the “Women in Tech” title. The following are the major titles and their respective winners. 

Photo Credit: Madan Lamsal

Category Winners:

  • Best Woman Entrepreneur: Mausumii Shrestha, Director of Shreenagar Agro Group
  • Lifetime Achievement Award in Women Entrepreneurship: Shyam Badan Shrestha, Founder of Nepal Knotcraft Centre Pvt Ltd
  • Professional Woman of Excellence: Rita Pokharel, Director of InDrive
  • Pioneer Social Entrepreneur of the Year: Vedika Murarka, Co-founder of Educase
  • Women in Tech: Sonika Manandhar, Co-founder of Aloi

Awards were presented in 12 categories, including ‘Lifetime Achievement Award in Women Entrepreneurship,’ ‘Professional Woman of Excellence,’ ‘Pioneer Social Entrepreneur of the Year,’ ‘Women in Tech,’ and ‘Best Woman Entrepreneur.’ Additionally, one woman entrepreneur from each of the seven provinces in Nepal were awarded in the ‘Emerging Enterprising Woman of the Year’ category, with a prize money of NRs. 51000 each.

Emerging Enterprising Woman of the Year:

  • Koshi Province: Maya Gurung of the sandalwood industry in Taplejung
  • Madhesh Province: Sunaina Thakur of Sunaina Artski in Dhanusha
  • Bagmati Province: Sapna Sapkota of Bella Kasa
  • Gandaki Province: Geeta Nath of Karnali Garment Industry in Kaski
  • Lumbini Province: Geeta Kumari Koiri Maurya of Banke Poultry Farm in Banke
  • Karnali Province: Bhumisara Tomta of Shramjivi Masala Udyog in Surkhet
  • Sudurpaschim Province: Savitri Ojha of Green Mountain Agricultural Development Firm in Dadeldhura

The program included a panel discussion on ‘Strengthening Women’s Business Leadership,’ featuring speakers such as Mahesh Bhattarai, Joint Secretary and Chief of Economic Management Division of the National Planning Commission; Swastika Shrestha, CEO of Teach for Nepal; Padmakshi Rana, Executive Director of Impact Hub Kathmandu; and Samanata Thapa, Co-founder and Program Head of Startup Discovery Asia.

Since 2021, New Business Age has organized this annual event to encourage and recognize the contributions of women entrepreneurs in Nepal. The winners in various categories were selected by an independent jury.

Distinguished guests, including Nepal Rastra Bank’s Governor Maha Prasad Adhikari and Supreme Court Justice Sapana Pradhan Malla, attended the awards ceremony, serving as chief guests for the first and second halves of the event, respectively.

The NewBiz Business Women Summit and Awards 2024 not only showcased the achievements of these exceptional women but also inspired future entrepreneurs. Their stories of innovation, resilience, and dedication aims to shape a promising entrepreneurial landscape in Nepal.


BijuliPower (Electric-Vehicle)Fintech, Sustainability

Empowering Women Mobility Using Electric Two-Wheelers

Aloi has organized Women Mobility program, a two-wheeler program focusing on empowering women by creating a supportive ecosystem providing essential skills and job opportunities. In this program, we provide credit at a very low interest rate under understandable circumstances to train and guide the participants. Following are the criteria and details of the program. If you have any trouble understanding our program, please feel free to contact us.

Who can participate in our women mobility program? 

  • Women who want to join the workforce but don’t know how to drive or lack access to capital
  • Women supported by associations or NGOs
  • Women interested in starting businesses in sectors like transportation, where driving and capital are crucial
  • Young women pursuing education or vocational training aiming to enter fields requiring driving skills and capital
  • Women looking for career advancement in roles like marketing and sales

The program is divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Training Loans

In the first phase, we will connect interested women to financial institutions that can provide loans to cover their training, licensing costs, and multiple trials if needed.

The first two months will be considered as a grace period where the borrower only needs to repay the interest amount. The full repayment of the loan starts two months after beginning the job. The repayment period is valid for 1 year and, also could be repaid on a daily/ weekly or monthly basis as per their convenience.

Our first phase of training includes:

  • Preparation for written and trial exams
  • Training on gear, traffic rules, and fall management
  • Basic vehicle maintenance guidance
  • Provision of protective gear (helmet, gloves)
  • Up to 2 hours of extra road training
  • 30 days of daily half-hour driving training
  • Up to 2 trial attempts
  • Driving training between trial attempts
  • Testing knowledge on trial grounds

Phase 2: Leasing and Employment 

After the trained women obtain their licenses, participants can lease electric scooters from Aloi or our rental partners (Niu, Segway, Komaki, Yadea, Super Soco, etc.). They can work in our partnered logistics companies (Bhoj, Upaya, Pick N Drop, Khaanpin, etc.) with a stable salary and can also do ride-sharing for extra income. During this phase, we expect the women to save for the down payment to buy their own scooters. We would love to see empowered women with their own stable income.

Phase 3: Access to EV financing 

Once the down payment is saved, Aloi will help participants get financing from banks to purchase their own electric scooters. Aloi will also connect participants with EV vendors offering heavy discounts.

What to expect from our women mobility training program?

● Women who receive driving training for electric 2-wheelers will get the necessary skills

to operate these vehicles, thereby increasing their mobility and independence.

● Access to credit facilities will enable women to buy electric scooters on their own, allowing them to commute and earn income, achieving financial empowerment.

● Promoting electric scooters will reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, contributing to a sustainable transportation system.

● Increased female participation in logistics will prove women can excel in this industry, and boosting the adoption of electric vehicles, helping logistics companies reduce costs and support a healthier climate.

For more inquiries, please contact: Surbhi Mishra at or +977 9704554216/ +977 9818050662

If you are interested in what we do, please visit here.