

Kathmandu, Nepal


BijuliPower (Electric-Vehicle)Women Entrepreneurship

विद्युतीय दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारी साधनद्वारा महिला सशक्तिकरण कार्यक्रम

Aloi ले यस कार्यक्रममा दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारीमा महिलाहरुलाई सशक्त बनाउने उद्देश्य राखेको छ। यसमा महिला सहभागीहरुलाई आवश्यक सीप र रोजगारीको अवसरहरू प्रदान गर्नका साथै सहुलियत ब्याजदरमा SAJILO  कर्जा उपलब्ध गराउँछौं। कार्यक्रमका विवरण र मापदण्डहरू निम्न छन्। यदि तपाईलाई हाम्रो कार्यक्रम बुझ्नमा कुनै समस्या भएमा, कृपया हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला: +९७७ ९७०४५५४२१६ 

महिला सवारी कार्यक्रममा को-को सहभागी हुन सक्छन्?

  • रोजगारीमा जान चाहने तर सवारी चलाउन नजान्ने वा पूँजीको पहुँच नभएका महिला
  • NGO जस्ता संग्स्था मा आबद्ध भएका महिला
  • यातायात जस्ता क्षेत्रमा व्यवसाय सुरु गर्न इच्छुक महिला, जहाँ सवारी चलाउने सीप र पूँजी आवश्यक हुन्छ
  • पढाई र तालिममा संलग्न महिलाहरू
  • मार्केटिङ र सेल्स जस्तामा करियर अघि बढाउन चाहने महिला

कार्यक्रम तीन चरणमा विभाजित छ:

पहिलो चरण: तालिम कर्जा

पहिलो चरणमा, हामी इच्छुक महिलाहरुलाई उहाहारूको ड्राइभिङ तालिम, लाइसेन्सको खर्च, र ट्रायल खर्चका लागि कर्जा प्रदान गर्न वित्तीय संस्थाहरूसँग जोड्नेछौं।

पहिलो दुई महिना अनुग्रह अवधि हुनेछ, जहाँ ऋणीले ब्याजको रकम मात्र भुक्तानी गर्नुपर्नेछ। पूर्ण कर्जाको भुक्तानी भने रोजगार सुरु गरेको दुई महिना पछि सुरु हुनेछ। कर्जाको भुक्तानी अवधि १ वर्षको लागि मान्य हुनेछ, र उनीहरूको सुविधाअनुसार दैनिक, साप्ताहिक वा मासिक आधारमा भुक्तानी गर्न सकिन्छ।

पहिलो चरणको तालिममा यी कुराहरू समावेश छन :

  • लिखित र ट्रायल परीक्षाको तयारी
  • गियर, र ट्राफिक नियम सम्बन्धी तालिम
  • सवारी साधनको मर्मत सम्बन्धी तालिम
  • सडकमा तालिम
  • ट्रायल परीक्षाहरू बीच सवारी तालिम
  • ज्ञान परीक्षण

दोस्रो चरण: भाडामा लिने र रोजगार

तालिम प्राप्त महिलाले लाइसेन्स पाएपछि, सहभागीहरूले Aloi वा हाम्रा पार्टनर कम्पनी हरु जस्तै (Niu, Segway, Komaki, Yadea, Super Soco, Ryan Energy आदि) बाट इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर भाडामा लिन सक्छन्। उनीहरूले हाम्रा पार्टनर लजिस्टिक्स कम्पनीहरू (Foodmandu, BhojDeals, Upaya, Pick N Drop, Khaanpin, आदि) मा स्थिर तलबमा काम गर्न सक्नेछन्, र अतिरिक्त आम्दानीका लागि राइड-शेयरिङ पनि गर्न सक्नेछन्। यस चरणमा, हामी महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै स्कूटर किन्नको लागि डाउन पेमेण्ट बचत गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्छौं। हामी आत्मनिर्भर महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै स्थिर आम्दानीसहित देख्न चाहन्छौं।

तेस्रो चरण: इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी (EV) कर्जामा पहुँच

डाउन पेमेंट बचत गरेपछि, Aloi सहभागीहरुलाई बैंकहरूबाट इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर खरीद गर्न कर्जा प्राप्त गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ। Aloi ले सहभागीहरुलाई इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी साधनहरूमा ठूलो प्रावधान दिनेछ

महिला सवारी तालिम कार्यक्रमबाट के अपेक्षा गर्न सकिन्छ?

  • इलेक्ट्रिक दुई पाङ्ग्रे सवारीको लागि सवारी तालिम प्राप्त गर्ने महिलाहरूलाई यी सवारी साधनहरू सञ्चालन गर्न आवश्यक सीप प्राप्त हुनेछ, जसले उनीहरूको सवारी स्वतन्त्रता बढाउनेछ।
  • कर्जा सुविधामा पहुँचले महिलाहरूलाई आफ्नै इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर किन्न सक्षम बनाउनेछ, जसले उनीहरूलाई आवतजावत गर्न र आम्दानी गर्न सहयोग गर्नेछ, र आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण प्राप्त गर्नेछ।
  • इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटरको प्रवर्द्धनले कार्बन उत्सर्जन र वायु प्रदूषण घटाउनेछ, जसले दिगो यातायात प्रणालीलाई सहयोग गर्नेछ।
  • लजिस्टिक्समा महिला सहभागिताको वृद्धि हुनु भनेको महिलाले यस क्षेत्रमा पनि उत्कृष्ट गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने प्रमाणित गर्नु हो, साथै इलेक्ट्रिक सवारी साधनको स्वीकृतिलाई प्रवर्द्धन गरेर, लजिस्टिक्स कम्पनीहरूलाई लागत घटाउन र स्वस्थ वातावरणलाई समर्थन गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ।

थप जानकारीको लागि, कृपया संपर्क गर्नुहोस्: सुरभि मिश्रा ( या +९७७ ९७०४५५४२१६/ +९७७ ९८१८०५०६६२


Product Manager (Agri-Business)

Position: Product Manager (Agri-Business)

Employment Type: Full-Time

Work Station: On-Site / Kuleshwor, Kathmandu

Offered Monthly Salary: 30,000/- to 35,000/-

Working Hours: 9:30am to 5:30pm / Sunday – Thursday

About the Role: 

An exciting new opportunity awaits you as we are hiring a Product Manager for Krishala Product (agriculture and SME focused) at Aloi Private Limited.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Maintaining and monitoring product plans, project schedules, budgets, and expenditures.
  • Organizing, attending, and participating in stakeholder meetings.
  • Preparing necessary presentation materials for meetings and training sessions
  • Providing administrative support as needed.
  • Assess product risks and issues and provide solutions where applicable.
  • Lead and facilitate meetings where appropriate and distribute minutes to all team members.
  • Develop and maintain the product roadmap, outlining the features and strength to be developed.
  • Assist and work on comprehensive plans prepared by Product leads 
  • Explore the avenues of Krishala and plan to build up revenue and a productive client base
  • Connect with B/FIs for any access to finance strategies and product implementations
  • Plan and strategize for multiple product verticals
  • Plan how the current system usage can be implemented well, documented and create continuous workflow
  • Make decisions for the product, especially for the Product Leads and Operation officer
  • Support the implementation of the current products as Forestry sector, Dairy value chain, Tea/Coffee value chain and other product possibilities 
  • Undertaking any ad hoc tasks as required
  • Report to the Senior Product Manager

 Required Skills and Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, business administration, management, or related field. 
  • Preferred 3 or more years of experience in related field
  • Experience in coordinating with teams and clients with experience in documentation and reporting
  • Proven success in a corporate setting, working with all levels of management
  • Strong written, verbal, and presentation skills in both Nepali and English
  • Worked in grass root level development setting or is interested to work with them
  • Has a good knowledge in financing aspect and agriculture sector
  • Self motivated with proactive approach and result driven mindset
  • Outgoing personality, influencer and a team player
  • Comfortable traveling inside valley as well as outside as per required
  • Strategic planner with business development and broad mindset to align with Aloi’s bigger vision

Interested candidates can send us their CVs at


Product Lead (Krishala / CFUGs)

Position: Product Lead (CFUG)

Employment Type: Full-Time

Work Station: On-Site / Kuleshwor, Kathmandu

Offered Monthly Salary: 25,000/- to 35,000/-

Working Hours: 9:30am to 5:30pm / Sunday – Thursday

About the Role: 

An exciting new opportunity awaits you as we are hiring a Product Lead/Manager for Krishala Product at Aloi Private Limited. Krishala focuses on developing and expanding financing access for agricultural value chains. You would be mostly working from our office in Kuleshwor, Kathmandu and go on field visits as necessary.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ability to create effective business strategies and having a business-oriented mindset
  • Assisting in the planning, development, and implementation of project related activities. 
  • Coordinate on logistic management, training and workshops facilitators and training material preparation, counseling to forest enterprises 
  • Maintaining accurate records of project related documents and programs, compiling reports summarizing training outcomes, participant progress, feedback, and any relevant documentation.
  • Providing guidance and support to participants regarding credit-related queries or procedures and addressing participant concerns when necessary
  • Policy review and the documentations and presentation 
  • Project SWOT and cost benefit analysis
  • Contributing to quality assurance efforts by identifying areas for improvement and suggesting enhancements
  • Manage team and the staffs for on time implementation and project achievements 
  • Prepare contracts, agreements documents relevant to respective stakeholders 
  • Participating in team meetings, sharing insights, and contributing to overall team success.
  • Undertaking any ad hoc tasks as required
  • Promotion of sustainable forest based enterprises 
  • Pan and execute the market ecosystem for forest based enterprises
  • Coordinate on establishing the forest enterprises and technology for micro-enterprises Prepare and execute business plan of forest enterprises 
  • Coordinate with local stakeholders, community, forest users, forest enterprises and marginalized groups 
  • Identification of  priority interventions in resource management, technology support, market access, financial management, and governance
  • Prepare cost benefit analysis, policy and gram formulation and implementation 
  • Prepare periodic reports outlining progress, challenges, and achievements

Required Qualifications and Skills

  • Master’s degree in Forest Business Management, Forestry, Business Management, Sustainable Development, Biodiversity Management, Environmental science,  or relevant social science discipline (Bachelor degree with 2 years of experience in project implementation can also apply)
  • Experience project development, planning and implementation
  • Experience working with development partners, local government bodies, local communities, associations and governmental and non governmental bodies 
  • Prior experience of working with donor agencies, INGOs, funders and partners
  • Preferable to have experience working with the community groups/community forest users group
  • Experience in logistic, workshops management and operations 
  • Experience/knowledge on gender equality and social inclusion
  • Experience in developing business plan and business enterprise model
  • Project Monitoring and evaluation experiences 
  • Experience in screening, scoping and assessment of development projects or enterprises 
  • Proficiency in documentation, proposal writing, report writing and excellent communication skills
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Abilities to handle multiple task at a time 
  • Strong written, verbal, and presentation skills in both Nepali and English
  • Self motivated with proactive approach and result driven mindset
  • Outgoing personality, influencer and a team player

Interested candidates can send us their CVs at


Technical Assistance Support for Agriculture Consultant

Location: Kathmandu, NepalType of Contract: Consultant
Post Level: SeniorStarting Date: 15th August 2024
Contract Duration: 8 monthsPayment: Negotiable 
Application Deadline: 5th August 2024

About Company

Aloi is a software platform for digitally monitoring loan expenditure and repayment through verified merchants and deposit points. Like an automatic audit, we track financing flows using simple phones and without mobile internet.


Aloi, with the support of the GSMA (Global System for Mobile Communications), has embarked on a significant initiative in collaboration with CDCAN to enhance the dairy value chain through Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) training and digital adaptation. This project aims to conduct a series of training sessions and onboard dairy cooperatives to adopt Aloi’s innovative digital technology. The overarching goal is to improve financial literacy and operational efficiency among dairy farmers.

The project will be implemented across five districts in Nepal: Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Kavre, Makwanpur, Chitwan, and Tanahu. These regions represent key areas of focus for enhancing the dairy sector, which is a strong revenue-generating industry for small-scale farmers. Despite its importance, there is considerable room for improvement in streamlining production processes and adopting advanced technologies.

Aloi has been actively involved in the dairy value chain and various agricultural sectors across the country. Through Aloi’s software, the project aims to digitize the financial transactions within the agricultural value chain, thereby enhancing transparency and efficiency. This digital transformation is expected to significantly benefit agricultural entrepreneurs by making processes more efficient and financially viable.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide expert guidance and support in the optimization and enhancement of agricultural value chains to improve productivity, profitability, and sustainability.
  • The consultant will be expected to perform the following tasks:
    • Conduct comprehensive assessments of current dairy value chain practices in the targeted locations. 
    • Prepare a comprehensive working modality for the dairy value chain. Evaluate the existing systems, processes, and technology used by cooperatives and other stakeholders.
    • Prepare a wholesale and retail lending model and pricing strategy. 
    • Assess the user experience and functionality of the Aloi platform to pinpoint areas for enhancement. Design relevant business models that addresses identified gaps and improves the user performance. 
    • Design a scalability plan to ensure the solutions can be rolled out to a larger number of cooperatives effectively.
    • Filter out the dairy cooperatives to adapt the Aloi system for loan and daily income tracking after we receive a list from CDCAN. 
    • Analyze financial data to understand profitability, cost structures, and financial risks in the agri value chain.
    • Coordinate with local government and private sectors for collaboration opportunities.
    • Develop strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, focusing on continued digital adaptation.
    • Besides dairy the consultant is also expected to give insights and guidance on other current or future agriculture value chains depending on his work prioritization. 
  • The consultant will be expected to provide the following deliverables by the end of the contract:
    • Onboard more cooperatives with better/relevant system features.
    • Insights on better management for the dairy value chain aiming at farmers and dairy cooperatives.
    • Clear and actionable roadmap for stakeholders to follow for improvements.
    • A structured model detailing wholesale and retail lending mechanisms suitable for the dairy sector, including risk assessment and mitigation strategies. 
    • Comprehensive pricing strategies for digital adaptation
    • Improved user experience and functionality of the Aloi platform. 
    • Streamlined implementation process with pre-selected and new cooperatives.


  • The consultant will report to the Chief Product Owner (CPO) and Manager and will work closely with the agriculture department of Aloi.

Required Qualifications and Skills:

  • Advanced degree in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, or related field.
  • At least 5-7 years of professional experience in agricultural consultancy, with a strong focus on value chain development.
  • Proven experience in conducting value chain analyses and developing strategic plans for agricultural projects.
  • Experience working with local government bodies and have been part of agriculture projects.
  • Excellent knowledge of agricultural practices, market dynamics, and the socio-economic aspects of agriculture.
  • Utilize previous experience with local government bodies and leverage their networking capabilities for this project.
  • Strong facilitation, training, and stakeholder engagement skills.
  • Excellent communication and report-writing skills.

Application Process:

Interested candidates can share their updated CVs at by 5th August 2024.

Awardee / AchievementGlobal Competition, FintechGlobal EventGlobal Event, Summit

Sonika Manandhar’s Impact at One Young World 2023 

Sonika Manandhar, CTO and co-founder of Aloi, has been making significant strides in fostering financial trust and accessibility for green micro-entrepreneurs. Aloi, which she co-founded with Tiffany Tong, is a social enterprise that aims to bridge the gap between informal credit histories and formal financial services. By providing a platform that tracks loan utilization and income, Aloi enables micro-entrepreneurs to build credible financial profiles. This data is then utilized by Aloi’s commercial partners to extend formal loans to these individuals. Additionally, Aloi is committed to enhancing financial literacy among micro-entrepreneurs, ensuring they can effectively manage and utilize loans. The ultimate goal for Aloi is to become a last-mile digital bank in Nepal, providing accessible financial services to underserved communities.

Photo credit: One Young World

In 2020, Sonika’s innovative work with Aloi was recognized when she won One Young World’s LEAD2030 Challenge with Standard Chartered Bank. This accolade was instrumental in Aloi’s early success, as it facilitated a crucial partnership with Standard Chartered’s Nepal branch. This connection marked Aloi’s first collaboration with a commercial bank, establishing a strong foundation for further partnerships within the financial sector in Nepal.

Aloi’s impact has been substantial. Currently, the platform boasts 2,300 active users, the majority of whom are women. These users have collectively secured $800,000 in formal loans. Beyond just financial services, Aloi provides comprehensive training in financial and digital literacy, as well as business management. This training aims to reduce the vulnerability of micro-entrepreneurs to predatory lending practices. Aloi has established partnerships with six commercial banks in Nepal, further solidifying its presence in the financial sector.

A significant portion of Aloi’s users, 70%, are involved in sustainable agriculture (Krishala), while the remaining 30% are active in the electric vehicle sector(Bijulipower). Aloi currently supports 135 electric vehicles, showcasing its commitment to sustainable and green initiatives. Looking ahead, Aloi plans to work with 3,000 farmers in the coffee and dairy sectors in 2024. These farmers will receive training in climate-smart agricultural practices and support in accessing scale-up financing. Sonika is also exploring opportunities to expand Aloi’s operations to Indonesia, aiming to replicate their success in new markets.

Reflecting on her experience with One Young World, Sonika highlights the pivotal role it played in Aloi’s growth. 

“I went to One Young World as a Standard Chartered Ventures LEAD2030 Winner, and because of it we got connected with Standard Chartered bank in Nepal. That’s how we got our first commercial bank contract for Aloi and that’s still ongoing,” she notes.

One Young World: Empowering Young Leaders

One Young World is a global platform dedicated to empowering young leaders to create a fair and sustainable future. The organization’s community is truly global, encompassing young leaders, corporate partners, and supporters from every country and industry. This diverse community includes activists, humanitarians, world leaders, business leaders, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and innovators, all working together towards common goals.

With the largest corporate footprint of any organization in the third sector, One Young World partners with over 190 global businesses, NGOs, and educational institutions. Leading companies from various sectors integrate One Young World into their global talent development, retention, and attraction strategies. Each year, many of these companies deepen their involvement, underscoring their growing commitment to empowering young people.

The organization’s mission aligns closely with the work of leaders like Sonika Manandhar, who are driving change and fostering innovation in their communities. By providing a platform for young leaders to connect, collaborate, and amplify their impact, One Young World continues to play a crucial role in shaping a more equitable and sustainable world.


References: a. 300 kg average coffee production in Nepal per farm ( ) x 11.82 kg CO2e mitigated per kg of coffee (i) / 1000 kg = 3.55 tCO2e mitigated per farm i. 15.33 kg CO2e per kg of coffee produced using traditional methods – 3.51 kg of CO2e per kg of coffee produced sustainably ( ) = 11.82 kg CO2e mitigated per kg of coffee b. $204 social cost of carbon ( ) c. 21,900 tCO2 mitigated over operational life cycle / 2,000 low-carbon vehicles introduced ( ) = 10.95 tCO2 mitigated per vehicle d. $4,726.60 PPP annual GDP per capita of Nepal ( ) x 30% increase in GDP from financial inclusion efforts in frontier economies ( = $1,417.98 PPP 


Associate Product Lead (For Krishala)

Application Deadline – July 20, 2024


An exciting new opportunity awaits you as we are hiring an Associate Product Lead for Krishala Product in a rapidly growing fintech company, Aloi Private Limited. Krishala focuses on developing and expanding financing access for agricultural value chains. Aloi Private Limited is a technology company that builds loan insight software for the wise utilization of resources from different financial institutions. You will primarily work from our office in Kuleshwor, Kathmandu, with necessary field visits.

Main Responsibilities

  • Assist in the planning, development, and implementation of dairy sector-related project activities.
  • Provide logistical support for project activities, including scheduling and coordinating events.
  • Help coordinate logistics management for training sessions and workshops.
  • Assist in the preparation of training materials and facilitation of workshops.
  • Provide counseling and support to dairy sector farmers and stakeholders as needed.
  • Maintain accurate records of project-related documents and programs.
  • Assist in compiling reports summarizing training outcomes, participant progress, feedback, and challenges.
  • Document and follow up on important actions and decisions from meetings.
  • Support coordination efforts with different stakeholders such as dairy cooperatives, vendors, buyers, and borrowers.
  • Help prepare contracts, agreements, documents, budgets, and itineraries relevant to respective stakeholders.
  • Assist in assessing product risks and issues, providing input for potential solutions where applicable.
  • Contribute to identifying priority interventions in resource management, technology support, market access, and financial management.
  • Assist in planning and executing the market ecosystem for dairy-based enterprises.
  • Provide administrative support as needed, including preparing necessary presentation materials for meetings and training sessions.
  • Provide guidance and support to participants regarding credit-related queries or procedures.
  • Address participant concerns when necessary, escalating issues to the Product Lead as needed.
  • Assist in managing the team and staff to ensure timely implementation and project achievements.
  • Maintain open communication with team members and stakeholders.
  • Undertake any ad hoc tasks as required to support the Product Lead and project goals.

Qualification and Other Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, Agriculture, Environmental Science, IT, or a relevant discipline.
  • 1+ years of experience in project implementation.
  • Prior experience working with donor agencies, INGOs, funders, and partners is an advantage but not mandatory.
  • Preferable to have experience working with dairy sector stakeholders and farmers.
  • Experience in business plan development and enterprise model creation.
  • Proficiency in documentation, proposal writing, report writing, and excellent communication skills.
  • Smooth adaptation ability to new technologies (tech-savvy is preferred)
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Strong written, verbal, and presentation skills in both Nepali and English.

Remuneration will depend on your experience level, ranging NRs. 20,000 – 25,000/- per month. The employment period starts as soon as possible. 

Send us your CV and cover letter at Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.


Product Lead (Krishala / Dairy)

Position: Product Lead (Krishala / Dairy)

Employment Type: Full-Time

Work Station: On-Site / Kuleshwor, Kathmandu

Offered Monthly Salary: 25,000/- to 35,000/-

Working Hours: 9:30am to 5:30pm / Sunday – Thursday

About the Role: 

An exciting new opportunity awaits you as we are hiring a Product Lead for Krishala Product at Aloi Private Limited. Krishala focuses on developing and expanding financing access for agricultural value chains. You would be mostly working from our office in Kuleshwor, Kathmandu and go on field visits as necessary.

Key Responsibilities: 

  • Assisting in the planning, development, and implementation of Dairy sector related project activities. 
  • Coordinating on logistic management, training and workshops facilitation and training material preparation, counseling to dairy sector farmers and stakeholders. 
  • Maintaining accurate records of project related documents and programs, compiling reports summarizing training outcomes, participant progress, feedback, challenges and any relevant documentation.
  • Assess product risks and issues and provide solutions where applicable.
  • Coordinating with different stakeholders like dairy cooperatives, vendors, buyers and borrowers. 
  • Identifying  priority interventions in resource management, technology support, market access and financial management. 
  • Preparing contracts, agreements documents, budget and itinerary relevant to respective stakeholders
  • Providing guidance and support to participants regarding credit-related queries or procedures and addressing participant concerns when necessary
  • Planning and executing the market ecosystem for dairy based enterprises. 
  • Documenting and following up on important actions and decisions from meetings.
  • Preparing necessary presentation materials for meetings and training sessions
  • Providing administrative support as needed.
  • Leading and facilitating meetings where appropriate and distributing minutes to all team members.
  • Managing team and the staffs for on time implementation and project achievements 
  • Undertaking any ad hoc tasks as required.

Required Skills and Qualifications: 

  • Master’s degree in Business Management, Agriculture, Environmental Science, IT,  or relevant discipline (Bachelor degree with minimum 2 years of experience in project implementation are encouraged to apply)
  • Experience project development, planning and implementation
  • Prior experience of working with donor agencies, INGOs, funders and partners is an advantage (not mandatory)
  • Preferable to have experience working with the dairy sectors stakeholders and farmers
  • Experience in developing business plan and business enterprise model
  • Experience in screening, scoping and assessment of development projects or enterprises 
  • Proficiency in documentation, proposal writing, report writing and excellent communication skills
  • Smooth adaptation ability to new technologies
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Abilities to handle multiple task at a time 
  • Strong written, verbal, and presentation skills in both Nepali and English

Interested candidates can share their CVs at

Awardee / AchievementWomen Entrepreneurship

NewBiz Business Women Awards 2024

On Friday, New Business Age Pvt. Ltd. organized the fourth edition of ewBiz Business Women Summit and Awards 2024 in Kathmandu. This event aims to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women entrepreneurs.

With the slogan “Empowering Business Leadership of Nepali Women,” this year’s summit focused on “Strengthening Women’s Business Leadership.”

The event honored 12 outstanding women for their entrepreneurial contributions and societal impact. From which Sonika Manandhar, Co-founder of Aloi won the “Women in Tech” title. The following are the major titles and their respective winners. 

Photo Credit: Madan Lamsal

Category Winners:

  • Best Woman Entrepreneur: Mausumii Shrestha, Director of Shreenagar Agro Group
  • Lifetime Achievement Award in Women Entrepreneurship: Shyam Badan Shrestha, Founder of Nepal Knotcraft Centre Pvt Ltd
  • Professional Woman of Excellence: Rita Pokharel, Director of InDrive
  • Pioneer Social Entrepreneur of the Year: Vedika Murarka, Co-founder of Educase
  • Women in Tech: Sonika Manandhar, Co-founder of Aloi

Awards were presented in 12 categories, including ‘Lifetime Achievement Award in Women Entrepreneurship,’ ‘Professional Woman of Excellence,’ ‘Pioneer Social Entrepreneur of the Year,’ ‘Women in Tech,’ and ‘Best Woman Entrepreneur.’ Additionally, one woman entrepreneur from each of the seven provinces in Nepal were awarded in the ‘Emerging Enterprising Woman of the Year’ category, with a prize money of NRs. 51000 each.

Emerging Enterprising Woman of the Year:

  • Koshi Province: Maya Gurung of the sandalwood industry in Taplejung
  • Madhesh Province: Sunaina Thakur of Sunaina Artski in Dhanusha
  • Bagmati Province: Sapna Sapkota of Bella Kasa
  • Gandaki Province: Geeta Nath of Karnali Garment Industry in Kaski
  • Lumbini Province: Geeta Kumari Koiri Maurya of Banke Poultry Farm in Banke
  • Karnali Province: Bhumisara Tomta of Shramjivi Masala Udyog in Surkhet
  • Sudurpaschim Province: Savitri Ojha of Green Mountain Agricultural Development Firm in Dadeldhura

The program included a panel discussion on ‘Strengthening Women’s Business Leadership,’ featuring speakers such as Mahesh Bhattarai, Joint Secretary and Chief of Economic Management Division of the National Planning Commission; Swastika Shrestha, CEO of Teach for Nepal; Padmakshi Rana, Executive Director of Impact Hub Kathmandu; and Samanata Thapa, Co-founder and Program Head of Startup Discovery Asia.

Since 2021, New Business Age has organized this annual event to encourage and recognize the contributions of women entrepreneurs in Nepal. The winners in various categories were selected by an independent jury.

Distinguished guests, including Nepal Rastra Bank’s Governor Maha Prasad Adhikari and Supreme Court Justice Sapana Pradhan Malla, attended the awards ceremony, serving as chief guests for the first and second halves of the event, respectively.

The NewBiz Business Women Summit and Awards 2024 not only showcased the achievements of these exceptional women but also inspired future entrepreneurs. Their stories of innovation, resilience, and dedication aims to shape a promising entrepreneurial landscape in Nepal.


BijuliPower (Electric-Vehicle)Fintech, Sustainability

Empowering Women Mobility Using Electric Two-Wheelers

Aloi has organized Women Mobility program, a two-wheeler program focusing on empowering women by creating a supportive ecosystem providing essential skills and job opportunities. In this program, we provide credit at a very low interest rate under understandable circumstances to train and guide the participants. Following are the criteria and details of the program. If you have any trouble understanding our program, please feel free to contact us.

Who can participate in our women mobility program? 

  • Women who want to join the workforce but don’t know how to drive or lack access to capital
  • Women supported by associations or NGOs
  • Women interested in starting businesses in sectors like transportation, where driving and capital are crucial
  • Young women pursuing education or vocational training aiming to enter fields requiring driving skills and capital
  • Women looking for career advancement in roles like marketing and sales

The program is divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Training Loans

In the first phase, we will connect interested women to financial institutions that can provide loans to cover their training, licensing costs, and multiple trials if needed.

The first two months will be considered as a grace period where the borrower only needs to repay the interest amount. The full repayment of the loan starts two months after beginning the job. The repayment period is valid for 1 year and, also could be repaid on a daily/ weekly or monthly basis as per their convenience.

Our first phase of training includes:

  • Preparation for written and trial exams
  • Training on gear, traffic rules, and fall management
  • Basic vehicle maintenance guidance
  • Provision of protective gear (helmet, gloves)
  • Up to 2 hours of extra road training
  • 30 days of daily half-hour driving training
  • Up to 2 trial attempts
  • Driving training between trial attempts
  • Testing knowledge on trial grounds

Phase 2: Leasing and Employment 

After the trained women obtain their licenses, participants can lease electric scooters from Aloi or our rental partners (Niu, Segway, Komaki, Yadea, Super Soco, etc.). They can work in our partnered logistics companies (Bhoj, Upaya, Pick N Drop, Khaanpin, etc.) with a stable salary and can also do ride-sharing for extra income. During this phase, we expect the women to save for the down payment to buy their own scooters. We would love to see empowered women with their own stable income.

Phase 3: Access to EV financing 

Once the down payment is saved, Aloi will help participants get financing from banks to purchase their own electric scooters. Aloi will also connect participants with EV vendors offering heavy discounts.

What to expect from our women mobility training program?

● Women who receive driving training for electric 2-wheelers will get the necessary skills

to operate these vehicles, thereby increasing their mobility and independence.

● Access to credit facilities will enable women to buy electric scooters on their own, allowing them to commute and earn income, achieving financial empowerment.

● Promoting electric scooters will reduce carbon emissions and air pollution, contributing to a sustainable transportation system.

● Increased female participation in logistics will prove women can excel in this industry, and boosting the adoption of electric vehicles, helping logistics companies reduce costs and support a healthier climate.

For more inquiries, please contact: Surbhi Mishra at or +977 9704554216/ +977 9818050662

If you are interested in what we do, please visit here.

KrishalaFintech, SustainabilitySustainability

Krishala Hive: Buzzing with MSMEs in Nepal/Green entrepreneurs, Farmers, Investors, Innovators, and Technology

Empowering Agriculture: Aloi’s Journey with Farmers

In peaceful surroundings where farmers’ hard work and hopes take root, Aloi has combined a tale of transformation and empowerment in the field of MSMEs in Nepal. Meet Aloi, the fintech innovator dedicated to revolutionizing agriculture across multiple sectors, from coffee and dairy to future horizons like tea and seeds. Here’s how Aloi’s journey happens in the heartlands of Nepal, impacting lives and shaping futures.

Coffee: Brewing Success

In the cloudy hills of Ilam, coffee isn’t just a crop; it’s a lifeline for hundreds of local farmers. Partnering with Karma Coffee and Agro Ilam, Aloi introduced digital tokens for finance, catalyzing investments that upgraded the equipment and elevated coffee quality. This initiative didn’t just increase farmers’ incomes by 30% and boost sales for Karma Coffee and Agro Ilam—it cultivated a thriving community where prosperity took root alongside aromatic beans. Aloi teamed up with Karma Coffee, Agro Ilam, and 200+ local farmers to digitally connect people from Gulmi, Lumle and other areas. 

Dairy: Nurturing Growth

Across the plains and valleys, Aloi joined hands with Central Dairy Cooperative Association Limited Nepal (CDCAN) and dairy cooperatives to empower dairy farmers. Digital tokens provided by Aloi facilitated investments in modernization, leading to a 20% increase in milk production efficiency and a 15% reduction in operating costs. Through tech training, farmers embraced sustainable practices and enhanced milk quality, paving the way for a resilient dairy sector poised for sustainable growth. We are conducting a training program where almost 1500+ farmers will be given the opportunity to join. And this training is run by CDCAN and Aloi. 

We have targeted the following areas: 

  • Kathmandu 
  • Bhaktapur 
  • Lalitpur
  • Chitwan 
  • Tanahu
  • Kavre
  • Makwanpur

There will be 3 days of training

where 2 days are led by CDCAN covering the SMART climate funding and the final day is run by Aloi, giving training on Financial literacy.

Tea: Brewing a Bright Future

Photo Credit: Aakriti Gajurel

Looking ahead, Aloi envisions a partnership with tea’s premium clients, set to elevate the industry to new heights. By empowering tea producers with digital finance solutions, Aloi aims to boost production efficiency by 30% and reduce environmental impact by 20%. This collaboration promises increased incomes, sustainability and profitability across global markets. 

Seeds and Beyond: Cultivating Tomorrow

Photo Credit: Ayusha Maharjan

Beyond coffee and dairy, Aloi’s plans extends to other agricultural products like seeds, where digital finance and strategic partnerships will unlock new potentials for growth and sustainability. Farmers, once constrained by financial barriers, now find themselves equipped with the tools and support needed to flourish in a competitive market landscape.

Your Journey: From Dream to Reality

At Aloi, we’re more than finance; we’re about nurturing dreams and growth in agriculture. Imagine yourself as a farmer dedicated to your land, dreaming of expanding your farm and providing fresh produce to your community. Yet, financial barriers often stand in your way.

Enter Aloi, your dedicated fintech partner. We offer innovative digital token loans designed to provide the financial boost you need to turn your dreams into reality. With grit and determination, you seize this opportunity, using our support to expand your farm operations and increase your yields.

Our role doesn’t end there. We go beyond financing to connect you with trusted vendors eager to showcase your premium produce. This collaboration opens doors to local markets and upscale restaurants, where your products quickly gain recognition for their quality and freshness.

Supported by Aloi’s expertise and resources, you transform from a small-scale grower into a thriving commercial farmer. Your fields flourish, your community gains access to nutritious, locally grown food, and together, we cultivate a sustainable future where agriculture thrives.

We’re here to empower farmers like you, making dreams grow as we cultivate a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Conclusion: Cultivating Success, Together

In every field and every farmstead, Aloi is sowing seeds of evolution and reaping a harvest of prosperity. By empowering farmers with financial innovation and fostering sustainable practices, Aloi is not just transforming agriculture—it’s nurturing communities, bridging opportunities, and cultivating a future where every farmer and MSMEs businesses thrive. 

Join us on this journey to support the MSMEs in Nepal, where each success story is a testament to the power of partnership and the promise of a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Author: Malina Maharjan

Partnership and CollaborationFintech, Sustainability

Aloi and Laxmi Sunrise Bank Forge Strategic Partnership to Advance Sustainable and Green Financing

Kathmandu, Nepal – June 19, 2024

Laxmi Sunrise Bank and Aloi are proud to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marking the commencement of a strategic partnership aimed at exploring, evaluating, and potentially initiating and scaling sustainable and green financing through digital interventions.

This collaboration is set to enhance sustainable and green financing initiatives, reinforcing the commitment to environmental stewardship. Also, the partnership will strengthen the bank’s portfolio in the SME and MSME sectors, leveraging leads generated by Aloi to drive growth. By supporting the development of SMEs and MSMEs, this collaboration is poised to make significant contributions to economic progress, fostering job creation and enhancing their impact on the economy. Furthermore, the initiative will include financial literacy and banking-related educational programs for participants identified by Aloi, further solidifying the commitment to economic empowerment and community development.

The agreement was signed by Mr. Dipesh Amatya Chief-RFS at Laxmi Sunrise Bank, and Ms. Sonika Manandhar, Co-Founder and CTO of Aloi. Both parties are dedicated to identifying strategic opportunities within green and sustainable sectors, leveraging their strengths and networks to drive innovation and create impactful change.

This MOU underscores the shared vision of both Laxmi Sunrise Bank and Aloi to foster a sustainable future and drive positive environmental impact through collaborative efforts.

About Aloi:

Aloi is a software platform providing climate financing monitoring for grassroots entrepreneurs. Our software tracks business loan expenditures and repayment automatically to ensure sufficient support and building of trust between lenders and borrowers. For more information, please visit read more about us.

About Laxmi Sunrise Bank: 

Laxmi Sunrise Bank, a premier commercial bank licensed by the Central Bank of Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank, continues to spearhead transformative initiatives in the Nepalese banking sector. With a wide network of branches nationwide offering a comprehensive range of retail and commercial banking services, Laxmi Sunrise Bank has cemented its position as a cornerstone of the country’s financial landscape via modern technology-driven banking products/services, a progressive business model, and social obligations. The bank aims to use finance to deliver sustainable and green economic, social, and environmental development.