

Kathmandu, Nepal



Category: Global Competition, Finale

Global Competition, Finale

Aloi’s CEO and CTO-Echoing Green Fellowship Finalists

Aloi Private Limited is proud to have our C.E.O. Tiffany Tong and C.T.O. Sonika Manandhar listed as one of the social change leaders on the Echoing Green’s 2020 Social Impact Talent Report.

Aloi’s team
, along with the 17 other social entrepreneurs, from the 2020 Talent Report: Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development, are featured with their ideas for uplifting people from poverty and developing the world’s economy.

Global Competition, Finale

Global grand finals of ClimateLaunchpad

Global Green Business Ideas Competition to fix climate change

“It was an eye opening experience to see the range of solutions that could help climate change.​” – Tiffany Tong, Aloi’s Cofounder

ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition with the mission is to unlock the world’s cleantech potential that addresses climate change.

“A green business school in disguise, that is how former participants refer to our competition. We train people with green ideas to become successful entrepreneurs. Since the start in 2014 we already helped 1,500 teams on their way with setting up their global businesses. This year we will run the programme in at least 50 countries. We know climate change is solvable. We also know there will not be one single cure, we need – and there will be – thousands of big and small cures. That is why it is our mission to fix climate change, one start-up at a time.” – Frans Nauta, ClimateLaunchpad founder

Aloi Private Limited was one of the national winner from Nepal to pitch in the global grand final of ClimateLaunchpad in Amsterdam with our product Green Energy Mobility (GEM).

We thank Emerging Technologies who organized the national finals and supported us for the grand finals.

Global Competition, Finale

Team Aloi heading to Climate Launchpad global finals!

We are excited to be representing Nepal at the global finals for Climate Launchpad in November!

According to their website, “ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition. Our mission is to unlock the world’s cleantech potential that addresses climate change. The competition creates a stage for those ideas. ClimateLaunchpad is part of the Entrepreneurship offerings of EIT Climate-KIC.”

Global Competition, Finale

Top 8 finalists for ClimateLaunchpad Nepal 2019

Aloi is amongst the top 8 finalist for Climate Launchpad Nepal 2019 with the product Green Energy Mobility (GEM), channeling impact investment in green businesses such as Safa Tempo (electric 3 wheelers mini bus in Kathmandu)